
Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find links to current projects and also my evolving portfolio. My main purpose is to share my experiences with LIVING HISTORY, or history brought to life in ways that teach our children and bring families together.

At right is the link to my "B is for Blanding" book which you can now buy online, and also to my family history blogs. (I am currently spending most of my time on family history!)

A day that was just "write"!

Above: One of the seniors shares his talents with his pen pal from Venture Academy. 

Yesterday I spent an incredible day at the Senior Center in Brigham City.  I helped chaperone about 45 students--ages 9, 10 and 11--from Venture Academy in Ogden who went to eat lunch with their senior pen pals.  I witnessed a connection there between young and old that was wonderful: listening, smiling, and happy youth who got to meet their pen pals after writing to them for six months.  Hats off to Trina Thomson, my son's language arts teacher, who created and carried out this wonderful project!  I am in the process of putting together a book with their completed bios, illustrations and poems they wrote.  It's 150 pages and will be available to each child on a CD.  It's stuff like this that I just love. 

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