
Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find links to current projects and also my evolving portfolio. My main purpose is to share my experiences with LIVING HISTORY, or history brought to life in ways that teach our children and bring families together.

At right is the link to my "B is for Blanding" book which you can now buy online, and also to my family history blogs. (I am currently spending most of my time on family history!)

On Friday after our family Halloween party, I discovered that my uncle had brought me Volume 39 of Blue Mountain Shadows magazine ("Movies in San Juan County"). I snatched it and skimmed through it immediately even though it was after midnight. Thanks, Uncle Kent!

I love to get the new issues and I try to continually support the efforts the staff makes to keep the magazine rolling.

I've been involved with BMS quite a bit over the years. In the summer of 1987 (I was about to begin my junior year at San Juan High School), I accepted a part-time job as an interviewer for the Blue Mountain Shadows Oral History Project which ultimately became the magazine. BMS has been going now for 22 years!  I was the layout/production editor for 11 of the now 40 issues (I think I'm still behind one in my collection?). I also authored and/or compiled several articles and photo essays. In '94 I worked on the layout for the book The First Forty Years: A History of San Juan High School, also affiliated with the magazine.

I haven't done much with BMS since 1998 when we moved from Blanding (other than I designed the magazine brochure in 2006). Maybe I'll post some links later of the projects I have completed!

The home Web site is www.bluemountainshadows.org.

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